Business & Tech

Batteries Plus Reaches 20 Years in Oak Lawn

Business owners in the area tell Patch what they're best known for and when they got started.

Batteries Plus, a national retailer, opened locally in 1993. 

  • Business: Batteries Plus
  • Address: 6227 W. 95th St. in Oak Lawn
  • Contact: 708-499-6977
  • Submitted by: Joe Smith, owner
Write a review of Batteries Plus in the Patch business directory. You can also learn more on the Batteries Plus website and like the business on Facebook for updates. 
When and how did your business get started?

Batteries Plus head quarters is located in Wisconsin and began in 1988.
In 1993 Batteries Plus franchise was opened in Oak Lawn. 

What is your business best known for?

Watch battery replacement, cell phone batteries, laptop batteries, automotive, and rechargeable camera batteries. 

Why did you choose the town you did to open your business? 

This Batteries Plus location was already a Corporate owned store. The franchise owner decided to purchase it as one of the first stores in the franchise.

What's something interesting about your business your customers might not know?

Batteries Plus offers free automotive battery installation, in addition we can test any of your batteries. We also can replace/install your watch battery, and automotive keyfob battery. 

Does your business offer a special deals card or program?

Batteries Plus offers a monthly coupon emailing list. Just text "battery12" to 33233 to sign up for news letters and coupons to save money on your next battery purchase. We also offer a lifetime watch battery replacement program. pay once and become registered with your watch for free watch battery replacements. 

Business Spotlight is a regular column featuring information provided by local businesses. If you're a local business, share your information in this form. We also write features about local businesses. To send your ideas, email editor Michael Sewall at Businesses can also blog on Patch or share events in our calendar.

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